
Help is spendino SMS for a computer school in Ghana Berlin unterwegs, 04.06.09; The Berliner spendino GmbH, service provider for the nonprofit sector, support for the e.V. Central Romana has compatible beliefs. It is an SMS to the phone number 8 11 90 with the word education and the donation amounting to 2.99 goes to the educational project of African information movement (AIM). AIM in Komenda, a fishing village on the Atlantic coast of Ghana, funded a computer training center. The founders of spendino Sascha Schubert, Florian Noll and Martin Muller have developed a solution with its innovative fundraising approach that makes a modern collection box from any mobile phone. Especially young people and many small and first-time donors are addressed with this modern, simple and fast way. With a small fixed amount is quite mobile, no matter where it goes and stands to social responsibility. Explains CEO Schubert (36): time and again we read in studies, that want to help especially young people and consider it as important.

We are convinced to have the pioneering, fast and direct way to help with spendino SMS. Richard Gasch, co-founder of, added: “spendino enables us in Germany a brilliant and simple way to earn money”. What is special about this project is that AIM does the small provider fees. Thus, the initiative guarantees that 100% support in Ghana to arrive. The dispenser even paid with their next phone bill. (Verena Bock)